Elizabeth’s next two recordings will be released in January: a disc of Bach Cantatas and Arias with The English Concert on 31st January and a studio recording of her acclaimed performance of Mandane in Arne’s Artaxerxes on 24th January. Get pre-ordering!!!
All posts by Liz Watts
Elizabeth will be performing Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater
Elizabeth will be performing Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater at the Royal Albert Hall on September 2nd. The concert will be broadcast live on BBC Radio 3 at 10pm and will be available for 7 days after on the BBC iPlayer.
Evening Standard review for Bach concert
Another rave review for Elizabeth, this time from Barry Millington in The Evening Standard for her concert of Bach at the Spitalfields Festival:
Things really caught fire with Jauchzet, however. Watts is a terrific communicator, her demeanour as engaging as her vocalism. Constantly varying both her tone and expression, she and Bennett threw off the semiquaver runs and top Cs with dazzling aplomb.
To cap it all, they offered as an encore Handel’s Eternal Source of Light Divine, in which soprano and trumpet unfolded lines of ravishing beauty, immaculately controlled.
The concert will be broadcast on BBC Radio 3 on 1st July at 7pm
English Song Weekend, Ludlow, June 2010
“Elizabeth Watts gave an outstanding evening recital in St Laurence’s Church. Accompanied by Burnside, “I Sowed the Seeds of Love” moved from Gurney in Elizabethan mode to the mystic borderland with folksong inhabited by Rebecca Clarke and Vaughan Williams. Watts’s lustrous soprano is able to meet every expressive demand made of it, from the impassioned fear of Purcell’s The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation to her richly imagined re-creation of Elizabeth Maconchy’s take on Traherne in Sun, Moon and Stars.”
– Hilary Finch, The Times